Peace of mind for every step
As the wedding planning app with the most 5-star reviews, The Knot is the most trusted wedding brand.
- Learn what to do next
- Find top-rated vendors
- Keep guests organized
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See it in action
One free app for everything wedding
From finding your style and vendors to organizing guests and gifts, our wedding planning app has it all.
Create a free wedding website
Make it easy for guests to RSVP and find everything they need about your wedding.
Couples love us (and we love them!)
Let's plan your wedding
The Knot has helped more than 25 million couples plan their authentic weddings.
Frequently asked questions
Get answers to common wedding planning app questions below or visit our
Help Center
.Yes! The Knot app is completely free to use with no hidden fees.
Photos: Cheers Babe Photo; Khaki Bedford Photography
Let's celebrate your love
See for yourself why The Knot app gets more than a million downloads a year.